Wonder Diets for a BIKINI BODY - Part 2

The Protein Diet 

The concept! Protein combined with sport will define and tighten your body. It’s no tall tale. Protein is the best way to power your muscles and it keeps you fuller for longer. What more could you want?
Make meals using beans, soy, corn, lentils or oats. Lean meat, poultry, fish, eggs, quark or cottage cheese are also welcome on your plate.

No thanks! Cheese, processed or fatty meat and high-fat dairy are definitely not great sources of protein.

Please note! See protein as your ally in your battle against the bulge. It prevents hunger attack, and even our feelings are impacted by amino acids, the building blocks of protein. They are used to build happiness hormones. 

The result! The more different sources of protein you eat, the higher the chance that you’ll get all the amino acids you need to build muscle and break down fat.