You should avoid these foods

Pure carbohydrates
Carbohydrates give your body a sugar rush. This sugar immediately enters the blood stream and causes an increase in the secretion of insulin, whose purpose is to lower the blood sugar level again. The problem is that the blood sugar doesn’t go back to its initial or normal level, but falls lower. The result: ravenous hunger! 

Often you then choose something sugary to give you energy.
But you don’t need to totally avoid carbohydrates. Brown bread and rice, snacks with healthy carbohydrates and lots of protein keep you full for longer.  

Frozen meals
To extend the shelf life of frozen foods, sodium is often added to them. Sodium is a natural preservative that stores water in the body.  This makes your stomach bloated and you’ll see no progress with your diet, even if you have lost weight.  

Fibre rich snacks
Fibres are important for the body as they stimulate digestion and keep you full longer. But too much fibre can cause stomach ache. So it’s better to spread out fibres throughout the day to avoid unpleasant consequences.  

Reduced fat products 
Fat is a flavour carrier. So food companies often add more sugar to keep the flavour sweet. When meals don’t contain much fat, the inhibition threshold to eat too much lowers.  So if you choose reduced fat products, you often eat more and consume more sugar.  So it is best to avoid these products.

You have to squeeze several oranges for just one small glass of juice. So you are consuming the calories in several oranges and without the fibre of the fruit.  So freshly squeezed juice contains lots of calories and raises your blood sugar level. 

If you really want to lose weight, you must avoid alcohol.  Alcohol contains lots of calories and doesn’t make you full or supply nutrients.