Healthy and beautiful with the ayurvedic hot water treatment

Benefits of water from the Ayurvedic perspective:

  • It combats tiredness
  • It supports skin radiance
  • It prevents digestive problems
  • It calms the mind and gives satisfaction
  • Water refreshes and is easily absorbed by the body
  • Water is a life-giver

The cleansing properties of water

Many people have dry skin and are thirsty despite drinking lots of water. The basic cause can be a low agni (digestive fire). Ama (metabolic wastes) can also block the water’s path to the cells.  To support the absorption of moisture, Maharishi Ayurveda recommends boiling water in a pan for about 10 minutes.


Benefits of hot, Ayurvedic water

Boiling the water enriches it with energy and gives it a new quality, called sukshma (= fine, subtle) in Ayurveda.  This cleanses the fine body channels by enabling it to penetrate deep into the physiology.  Drinking hot water regularly is a simple Ayurvedic tip. Water boiled for 10 minutes stimulates the agni, which enables meals to be digested and absorbed better. Drunk between meals it can effectively support the excretion of water soluble toxins from the dhatus (body tissues). Ayurveda recommends drinking small amounts of hot water regularly throughout the day. Simply pour your boiled water into a thermos flask in the morning.


How much water is enough?

The amount of water recommended in Ayurveda depends on various factors, such as age, workloads, stress, weather, diet and your constitution type. Prepare the water in the morning, keep it in a thermos flask and drink it every 30 minutes throughout the day.


Water with meals

Ayurveda recommends having sips of water during meals. Ayruveda cooking is very spiced, so water flavoured with herbs would overstrain the body. If your food is less spiced, water with added spices aids digestions. About one cup of water is optimal, depending on the type of food.  For instance, if you’re having soups or dhals, you need less water. Lots of water should be drunk with dry foods. The water should be room temperature or hot, depending on your constitution type. Don’t drink it ice cold as that will put out your digestive fire. If you feel thirsty about 45 minutes after eating, drink as much water as your body needs for digestion. Between meals you can have sips of plain or spiced water.