Superfood: Grapefruit seed extract

Grapefruit seed extract mustn’t be overlooked.  The extract from the delicious fruit is thought to be particularly beneficial.  It’s long been a secret tip, known for its antibacterial effect.  During the colder months when there is an increased risk of infections, the extract can be a miracle worker.  Its possible applications are diverse. 


Frequent areas of application:





•Skin fungal infections

Recommendations for use

The ingredients and special effects of grapefruit extract are in a concentrated form. It is produced from the ground seeds and peel of grapefruit.  The natural medicinal properties were discovered in 1980. When using the extract you need only a few drops diluted in a glass of water.  This is for internal use of the extract.  At first you should of course use only a low dose and increase it gradually.  To begin with, 1 to 3 drops is enough.  Later you can use up to 15 drops, taken 3 times a day, diluted with water. Externally the extract is used in mouth rinses, nose sprays or directly on the skin (body oil). 


Effects of the extract

Grapefruit seed extract is in the focus for its special effects on health and beauty. It has a resistant effect against rot-causing bacteria, mould, parasites and viruses.  Therefore it has a very strong protective mechanism, for which the secondary plant substances are responsible.  These secondary plant substances are also called bioflavonoids. Their effects influence the body when the seeds are consumed in concentrated form and so in a higher dose (extract). So this extract can be called a natural antibiotic and excellent superfood.  In some cases bacteria develop a resistance to chemically produced antibiotics.  This is where the natural effect of grapefruit extract comes in.  The extract is immune to resistance formation against bacteria as it has a complex surface structure.  So the bacteria can’t find a key to fit the extract.  

In the body the extract destroys the cell walls of fungus and bacteria. So the cell parts seep out, and the microorganism bleeds dry. It also impairs the function of the cell walls, so that fungus, parasites or bacteria can’t absorb nutrients and starve.  The extract works on only harmful microorganisms.  There are no side effects.  So it offers a very healthy alternative to normal antibiotics.  Normal antibiotics have various side effects and over time can damage the body (eg. by destroying the intestinal flora). While in some cases antibiotics can even damage the body’s defence mechanisms, grapefruit seed extract strengthens the body’s own immune system.  This causes increased production of antibodies and the harmful microorganisms are defeated quicker and more effectively.