Spacemask Orange and Grapefruit Scent Single Mask

Content: 1 Piece

Think you've tried everything to combat restless nights? Well, there might be a quick fix. Interstellar's Spacemasks are eye masks that help you fall asleep.


Content: 1 Piece

Available, delivery time: 2-3 days

Product information "Spacemask Orange and Grapefruit Scent Single Mask"

Think you've tried everything to combat restless nights? Well, there might be a quick solution. The Spacemasks from Interstellar are eye masks that can help you fall asleep. These jasmine-scented masks warm up on contact with the air and block out light for a peaceful night's sleep. The mask has a relaxing effect and lets you forget the stress of everyday life!

Area of application: Eyes
Effects: Care
Gender: For women
Helps against: Lack of energy, Limpness, Stress, Too little sleep
Ingredients: Jasmine, iron
Product type: Eye mask


SPACEMASK - Interstellar Relaxation

Within minutes of putting on the Spacemask, you will feel it warm up and begin to soothe your tired eyes and face. The gentle scent of jasmine will help you drift away.

Somewhere between Jupiter and Andromeda. Allow yourself to float free. Let go of the frustrations and annoyances of the day.

For the next 15 minutes, enjoy the space and freedom of leaving Earth's gravitational field. Your eyes and head will thank you for having had time to relax and recharge your batteries.

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Unfold the mask and place it over your eyes. Simply fasten the loops of the mask behind your ears. The mask warms up gently for about 15 minutes. Remove as desired.

Essence of jasmine, iron powder.

✓ Warming eye mask
✓ Has a relaxing effect and lets you forget the stress of everyday life
✓ Give your eyes a proper break too

Think you've tried everything to combat restless nights? Well, there might be a quick fix. Interstellar's Spacemasks are eye masks that help you fall asleep.

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