Adapto-Genie Balancing Komplex

Content: 60 Piece

The Adapto-Genie Balancing Complex from Ogaenics is perfect for those who are constantly under stress and suffer from exhaustion, fatigue, depressive moods and sleep disorders as a result.


Content: 60 Piece

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Product information "Adapto-Genie Balancing Komplex"

The Adapto-Genie Balancing Complex from Ogaenics is perfect for those who suffer from constant stress, resulting in fatigue, fatigue, depressive moods and sleep disturbances.
The Adapto-Genie Balancing Complex provides your body with a natural, purely herbal and certified organic formula to balance your mood and your body.

It consists of three patented organic botanicals embedded in a natural vitamin B complex: KSM-66 Ashwagandha®, Extramel® Organic Melon Extract and Safr’Inside™ Organic Saffron Extract. The herbs and roots it contains have been used for centuries in Ayurvedic and Chinese healing traditions.

With just two capsules a day, you can feel good all round:

- feel more energy
- react more calmly
- be more yourself again

Area of application: Food supplements
Effects: Activates cell metabolism, Care, Immune system, Moisturizing
Gender: For women
Helps against: Aching muscles, Anxiety, Lack of energy, Limpness, Stress, Too little sleep
Product type: Nutritional supplements


Organic food supplements from Ogaenics

Are you looking for the right nutritional supplements?
At Ogaenics you will find the optimal vitamins, minerals, trace elements or probiotics for your needs and situation.

Ogaenics' nutritional supplements help people put their health first - with exceptional intensity, value and effectiveness. In our bodies, trillions of cells work continuously, constantly renewing themselves and keeping us healthy, strong and beautiful. Ogaenics vitamins help provide our bodies with nutrients - certified organic and so pure, highly concentrated and effective.

The products are made only from the best organic plants, organic algae, organic mushrooms. The capsules are absolutely clean and bursting with high performance nutrients from nature, developed on a scientific basis. Ogaenics uses only plant raw materials from controlled organic cultivation.

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9 February 2023 09:49

Balancing triffts gut!

Es hat etwas gedauert bis ich was gemerkt habe aber nach einigen Wochen fühle ich mich einfach viel ausgeglichener und konzentrierter und kann mit klarem Kopf in jeden Tag starten!

Take 2 capsules a day preferably 1x in the morning and 1x in the evening. Adapto-Genie may be combined with all other Ogaenics products. When combined with Mrs. One a Day or B-Happy, we recommend taking the capsules at least 2 hours apart.

100% organic and vegan, Organic Safran'Inside (2% Safranal, 3% Crocin), Organic KSM-66-Ashwagandha (5% Withanolide), Organic Extramel Melon Extract ( Superoxide Dismutase), Organic Guava, Organic Royal Basil, Organic Lemon ( Vitamin B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, Folate).

✓ 100% organic quality
✓ Reduces stress hormones in the blood by 27.9 %
✓ Not suitable for pregnant and breastfeeding women
✓ Perfect for those suffering from stress

The Adapto-Genie Balancing Complex from Ogaenics is perfect for those who are constantly under stress and suffer from exhaustion, fatigue, depressive moods and sleep disorders as a result.

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